WebEx Social Features  

Cisco Systems in 2012

Responsibilities: UX + Visual design


[WebEx Social Home]

What is WebEx Social?

WebEx Social is a collaboration platform that encourages knowledge sharing and enhances productivity across enterprise. Core use cases it supports include: 

  1. Discover and connect with coworkers and experts

  2. Build projects together; create documents and monitor updates

  3. Share information and ideas

  4. Access various communication tools in one place  

Among the projects I worked on, I chose two features to showcase below:  i) email integration and ii) file upload.


[Weekly Email Notification - Activity Snapshot]

Email Integration


For majority of enterprise customers, emails were the primary tool to get updates and exchange feedback and we believed bridging the gap between email and WebEx social was crucial to enhance their existing workflow. Email integration introduced WebEx Social to email users in a way that made sense to them; it allowed them to use emails to create documents, post comments and replies, as well as receiving notifications around important events in WebEx Social. 


Email integration was one of the highly requested features by enterprise clients and it contributed to new business development, acquiring Back Of America and Nike as new customers.


File upload


Uploading a file was an addition to existing content creation options in WebEx Social, including share an update, create a web document, ask a question, and schedule a meeting. First, I worked with the team and defined the use cases to support, as following: 

  • Select multiple files in various formats and upload them together to a folder of my choice

  • Allow me to create a new folder in the library when uploading files

  • Allow me to change access settings for the files

  • Notify people who have an access to the folder once the new files are added  

First design goal was to make it easy to select/edit a set of files to upload. The design allowed users to directly drag & drop files as well as browsing through desktop folders. Also, by displaying options to add more or delete files upfront, I made it easy for users to discover and access these options. Another goal was to support advanced access settings for files without adding too much friction to the user. The design employed a simple rule - by default, files inherit access settings from a folder where files reside and if they want to, users can assign file-level access settings. And it simplified the experience in a great deal for majority of customers. 

[User Flow - Upload a file]